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Thinking about having your carpets cleaned for the Holiday?

By Cross Cleaning Company | February 23, 2018

Ideally, a professional cleaning service should visit your home to carefully evaluate the carpet’s condition before giving an estimate to properly clean it. Unfortunately this often doesn’t happen. Some cleaning services will provide a preliminary price pending closer inspection in the home. However, we at Cross Cleaning Co offer a FREE in home estimate to come in and access your current carpets condition to determine what exactly your carpet needs!

Any carpet cleaning service should discuss its procedures in detail. Depending on the carpets condition, it may not be possible to the clean the carpet completely. The company should inform you whether or not they will be able to remove a stain without damage. Some stains actually seep down to the under lying material underneath the carpet. They should be able to access this and let you know how likely it is that they will be able to lift any stain or remove any discoloring. There should never be any surprises.

Carpet manufacturers recommend cleaning household carpets every 6 to 18 months, depending on the regular traffic. To maximize the time between cleanings, keep dirt outside with mats at every entry of your home! And try to use a good, regularly cleaned, vacuum on all your rugs at least once a week!

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